Chevy Silverado

Katrina Submitted this review about Hilton Auto Transport
Review made Live: 2/14/2006 10:23:00 AM
I had never shipped a vehicle before, and many people told me that I would get ripped off or if I get a low quote, it's because they are not a good company. I spent 2 days trying to find the right company. Hilton not only had a great price, but they made me feel comfortable with the move. Since the first time I spoke to Nichole, she was friendly, caring and very plesant to talk to. She answered all of my questions without hesitation. If you are looking to transfer a vehicle, Hilton is the right company. Take it from me, they follow through with all of thier calls and are easy to get a hold of. You don't get 3 different people each time you call. The driver was very nice, he called me when he was 1 state away and made sure I had no questions either. I even called Hilton to follow up on the whereabouts with my truck and I got a call back right away. Thank you Nichole for all that you have done.