auto/car moving

Carolynn Rehbein Submitted this review about Honest Auto Movers
Review made Live: 7/10/2013 9:24:00 AM
Never did this before so it was scary for me. I am senior living on Social Securityand a fixed income. I was afraid of a scam.When I called Honest Auto Movers I spoke to. Captain Mark. He was so positive and reasuring that I gelt completely comforable! He answered every questoni asked (lots!) Gave me advise on how to select an auto carrier. To top it off his quote was the best! He is very knowledgeable in this field. He returned every phone call and each time he made me confident. The auto mover he booked me with was Hutch auto transport/R.H.ExpressTransportation Co.See my review on this site for them. They were excellent! Myy jeep waspicked up and delivered on time. In fact it almost made it to Austin before me! You got a car to move? Call Captain Mark!!!