Okay service

Paul Submitted this review about Honest Auto Movers
Review made Live: 12/11/2010 10:31:00 PM
As there are many variables that affect communication and length of travel, I was at times out of contact. We had never had this kind of service and so did not know whether our son had contacted a trustworthy company or not. When the subcontractor's phone system went down on the day of arrival, we panicked. I call Capt. Mark and he assured me that the lack of communication with the driver was most probably due to the mountainous area of travel. The driver called several times before he arrived and was courteous and efficient and all was well. The biggest issue has nothing to do with honestautomovers.com, only that it is hard to tell if any internet company is on the level. Honest Auto Movers came through! Summing things up, it was a long journey and the fee was reasonable. The company is bonded and insured and came thorough satisfactorily. I don't think that there was anything more that the company and its subcontactor could have done and with 20/20 hindsight I would give a green light to anyone using honestautomovers.com.

Paul, Van Nuys California