I was deployed to Iraq and set up pickup date I faxed the agreement over to them and even followed up by calling to make sure they got it they assured me it would be picked up the 4th its now the 5th and I called and to see what the issue was they said they have no record of it and would have to call me back i called my rep i was dealing with she said it was out of her hands once the agreement comes back and that she would forward it to customer service. They then called my mom back and said for an additional 200 they would try to pick it up in the next 3 days, she told them yes cause she didnt know what else to do since the company holding the car can only hold it till tomarrow. but I called them back and said no im not paying 200 extra to pick the car up 5 days after the dates on contract... STAY AWAY!!!!! So now im out the money I paid them down and out the car since it gets impounded tomarrow and being in Iraq I have no way of getting it out till I get back this summer
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