
BENGI JEUDY Submitted this review about M2Reeves LLC
Review made Live: 6/26/2009 3:13:00 PM
M2REEVES was the company i choose to ship my vehicle and they did an exceptional job ' .both Mitch and Christi had excellent customer service skills that assisted me in shipping the car in a timely and professional manner .Moving and figuring out transportation for my vehicle started out as a huge hassle ,but the moment i called M2REEVES a huge portion of my worry over the move vanished with the reassurance that things were going to fall into place just in time .Not only did i have all of my question answered , i was treated kindly every time i called in .I want to let everyone that reads this review to known that M2REEVES is the way to go when considering car shipping and to call MITCH and CHRISTI'''''.