I received many bids to move my car. Magic Carpet Ride was close to others, but the $30 rebate was going to make it closer. I was happy with the acctual movers who moved my car, but unhappy with the fact that I did not get calls back from Michelle with Magic Carpet on what was going on with the pick up. I would call her and she would tell me that she would call me back, but would not. Then after the car was transported, I received the information on how to submit my review to get the $30 rebate. I am not sure if they were not happy with my review not being a perfect review or what, but I have NEVER RECEIVED MY $30 REBATE. So now my review would be much worse. What a rip off. I have tried to email Michelle, and I do not get even a response from her.
Do not let them convice you to use them because of their rebate, as you may never get it.
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