Never Use Magic Carpet if Your on a Timeline

GH Miller Submitted this review about Magic Carpet Auto Transport
Review made Live: 7/4/2013 12:24:00 AM
I'm in the military and set up a transport for both of my vehicles to be shipped cross country so my family did not have to drive 6 days. In searching for a company I talked to many and price was not my overall concern, but timing was. I was assured by Lloyd that it would be no problem to pick up both of my vehicles within a 2 day window from Boston and have them to San Diego within 10 days. We set up the window and I began planning. My family and I had made plans to fly into San Francisco, rent a car and take a mini vacation in Napa and Monterey as we made our way down the coast. Of course we bought plane tickets (4) and every other reservation. I even told Lloyd that if there was a delay of a day or two that we would be willing to drop the vehicles at a lot so they could have more time. He assured me that would probably not be necessary, but would arrange as a back up. Fast forward to the day Magic Carpet told me they should have a carrier identified, all,is quiet from Magic Carpet. So,I called and left voicemails and fired off emails inquiring into the status. Mind you this date is about 4-5 days before the pick up window. After two days of nothing from Magic Carpet I start to panic and finally get a hold of Lori in customer service. She looked up my orders and started to,see what she could do. She was able to get 1 of the vehicles sched for pick up 1 day before we were to fly out, but nothing for my other one. Needless to say my family and I are driving across the country as I type because Magic Carpet failed to deliver. The only saving grace is Lori because we would be driving 2 across instead of 1. I am out $2000, the vacation and rewarded with 6 days of my boys asking me when are we going to get there.... Thanks Magic Carpet. BTW, I will make a similar post on every military blog I can find warning others like me to stay away from Magic Carpet.