Beware they charge you a deposit which turns out to be a fee. They only inform you about the fee once your car is in transit. You can easily go through a trucker to avoid this fee.
Also, all their positive reviews are FAKE. Take a look at the email below:
"The staff here at Magic Carpet Auto Transport would like to announce a great offer. Every customer who submits a positive review on Transport Reviews will be entered into a drawing, which will give you a chance to win a full reimbursement of your most recent total transport cost (broker fee included). Don’t you think it will be nice to have that money back in your pocket? Imagine what you could do with all that extra cash.
On the 5th day of each month, Magic Carpet Auto Transport will take the name of every customer that has submitted a positive review during the previous month, and enter their name into the promotional drawing for that month. One winner will be chosen each month, and that winner will receive a reimbursement for the total amount of their most recent transport with Magic Carpet Auto Transport. All you need to do is follow the link below to get started.
For the past 4 years, we have been the No.1 rated company in the nation, and we maintain this position by earning 5-Star reviews from customers like you. We are interested in hearing about your experience with our service, but we would also like to offer you a little something for your feedback. This drawing will help us give back to our customers for their loyalty & patronage. "
Do not deal with Casey J.
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