Car Transport

Ted Trabue Submitted this review about Magic Carpet Auto Transport
Review made Live: 10/1/2013 12:32:00 PM
I had a great experience with Doug Whatford of Magic Carpet Auto Transport. Doug gave me a very competitive quote, walked me thru the process, did not get upset when I gave him three different contact persons who would handle giving the car to the transport truck, and updated me as the car moved across the country. Overall, I would highly recommend the company.

Company Response
Terry Williams from Magic Carpet Auto Transport Submitted this response.
Response Date: 10/1/2013 2:45:00 PM
Douglas Whatford 360-853-2825 FOR A FREE QUOTE Ted thank you again for the kind review. I work hard for these reviews. The experience you had is what i like all my customers to have. Thank you again.