Kathy Ashlock

Moses Mendez Submitted this review about Magic Carpet Auto Transport
Review made Live: 9/17/2008 10:59:00 AM
I want to start off by saying that I yahooed automobile transportation Magic Carpet transportation came up and I am very happy that it came up. I made the call and Kathy Ashlock answered. She was very polite, energenic, great customer service skills and had alot of patience with me. She is a very nice lady and met my needs in everyy way possible. I am giving her and her company a 5 star rating. We have something in our company that we give our employees a Be a Star plack from our company to our employees and I definetely will be sending her on of these special trophies for the outstanding job she did. I couldn't have asked for any better assistance that she provided to our company and I certainly will be passing the word on tou my other sister companies that are associated with us to use them if ever in need for transporting other vehicles throughout our company.

Thanks for everything, Kathy

Moses ,Mendez
Executive Chef-DFNS
Sierra Medical Center
1625 Medical Center Dr.
El Paso, Tx 79902