
rob Submitted this review about Magic Carpet Auto Transport
Review made Live: 8/18/2009 6:36:00 PM
I have just gotten off the phone with Nicole of Magic Carpet Auto and if the transport service itself is anything like the attention provided by Nicole then I will be one happy customer, make that one happy repeat customer!

These folks must be in the business of customer satisfaction because she kep asking if I had any other questions, offered to keep me posted every step of the way through the process, practically insisted I call her with any concerns whatsoever.

My business is working with business leaders and managers who are trying to create a culture where attention to customer relationships becomes a priority. Or as one client told me he tells himself and his employees: "It's the reationship stupid"

If it's the relationship then Magic may have it down. They certainly have an example in Nicole.

What a breath of fresh air!


Company Response
Terry Williams from Magic Carpet Auto Transport Submitted this response.
Response Date: 8/20/2009 3:46:00 PM
Rob, thank you so much for the great response, I am very confident that the transport will go smooth from start to finish. THANK YOU~Nicole~