By the way, all the positive reviews you see…NEWSFLASH: The reviewers get $50.00 for their review! As I said in an earlier evaluation, this company is a broker - you are paying them to do the same thing you can do by just browsing the web. All these car transport "services" are a bunch of shysters with no overhead. Hey, someone picks up your car, they're in business and they make a buck - someone doesn’t, no sweat off their brow. Hey, if you put enough lead downrange, you're bound to hit something! The agents for this company can't tell you anything except "We're aggressively looking for a company" OOOOOO - I'm impressed. Why don't you just tell it like it is, "We'll see if we can get someone to pick up your car - and sooner or later, we will" I put all these car transport companies in the same category as used car salesmen and snake oil peddlers. My advice - go get your own car! If you walk to wherever it is and drive it back, you'll still get it before these guys can! I’m not letting this go - these guys shouldn’t get away with screwing customers over, then getting “high marks”. See you next week.
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