Freedom Auto Transport Submitted this review about M&M Freight LLC
Review made Live: 12/14/2010 12:15:00 PM
We are actually an auto transport broker that gave M & M Freight 2 vehicles to transport for us from TX to NV. The company did pick up and deliver as requested but now when its time to pay us our money NO ONE answers the phone, how convenient. Its crazy to think a company would destroy a relationship with a company of our size over pennies. Guys smarten up and realize that you need us brokers just as much as we need you, without us what cars are you going to move, dealers? LOL. This rating is not to take a cheap shot its to show you that I am going to take all means necessary to make you understand that there is a right way to do business. Once we are paid ALL ratings will be taken off until then I feel sorry for your reputation.