To Transport a Luxury Automobile

SKG Submitted this review about Mercury Auto Transport
Review made Live: 10/25/2011 8:40:00 AM

I had nothing but excellent experience in dealing with Jim Gozde who was very professional in my dealings with him & explaining everything upfront to a first time customer on what's involved in the move of an automobile, and how the system works in the auto transportation industry. Although I had to cancel my intended purchase / move from an out of town (Nyack, New York) Audi Dealer to ship my newly purchsed car to my hometown in Virginia, Jim had worked up all the detailed and had a Shipper lined up ready to pickup my new automobile. I highly recommend that f you need toi move your car Pl ask for one & only JIM GOZDE... SKG

Company Response
Matthew Sandomir from Mercury Auto Transport Submitted this response.
Response Date: 10/25/2011 1:57:00 PM
thanks so much for that wonderful review. Altough the purchase (consequently transport) didnt work out, we had everytnig lined up tentatively. I look forward to assist you with your next purchase/transport. Jim @954-239-1780x12