Fast service, satisfactory customer service

IW Submitted this review about Montway Auto Transport
Review made Live: 10/11/2011 1:53:00 AM
I booked my pick-up first availability date as the next day, and they immediately had my car assigned for pick up that day. The company my car was assigned to was Orbit Auto Transport. I couldn't find a thing about them on the internet, so I was worried, but they picked it up and had it over here in 6 days (coast to coast) which usually takes 7 days. I'm very pleased with the speed and price. However, it was a bit annoying dealing with customer service. I called initially to add a contact to the pick-up information, and I couldn't understand what the operator on the phone was saying. It sounded muffled on top of his accent and mumbling. I also had to repeat the phone number several times and the phone call took way longer than it should have to add a phone number to the contacts. Then when I called to see where my car was a couple days after it was picked up, they said "it's in transit." No duh! So I asked if I could get the truck driver's phone number, and the operator said they'd call for me and call me back. Never called me back. When the truck driver finally called me, I still had some trouble understanding what he was saying, but it was much better than the original operator I had spoken to. He called me at 12pm to say he was going to be here "between 3 and 7" the same day. They're supposed to give you 12-24 hours notice, so I was a bit peeved although happy that the car arrived early. At 7, he hadn't called me yet, so I called him. He said he'd be here "before 9". He arrived 8:50 and my car was in good condition. No new scratches, dents, bumps and the car is in the same working condition. Just really dirty.