Transport of can-am spyder

Edward Burkholder Submitted this review about National Auto Shipping
Review made Live: 3/15/2016 4:00:00 PM
From the initial contact by phone, the response was very business-like and straightforward. The quote was prompt and accurate (no unknown fees or charges) The delivery time, pick-up and drop-off was prompt and accurate. The drop-off was very courteous and more than helpful in placing in the storage unit. If and when I, or any of my friends need such service again, I will send them to you - -

Company Response
Manny from National Auto Shipping Submitted this response.
Response Date: 3/15/2016 8:41:00 PM
For Outstanding service CALL 877-393-3232 ext 12 Manny or Email Thanks again for giving us the opportunity to provide you a great Service. Thanks for a 5 star Rating.