Do not ever use this company. And furthermore never give them your credit card to "get it scheduled". I was dealing with Sal who assured me verbally that if I cancelled the order with them that my deposit would be refunded. However, after several attempts to talk to people within this organization, I have found that once they have your money, you are out of luck. Also, do not call customer service unless you want to talk to someone with a second grade education and the communication skills of a hood rat. This lady (term used extremely loosely in this case) was not only aggravating but also extremely distasteful in her verbal assault. I would personally like to see Chris Hansen with Dateline NBC do a story on the "racqetering" of the auto transport industry with regards to National Auto Transport Inc. It really is criminal what they do while hiding behind the BBB which clearly does not have all of the information on this so called company.
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