They are a scam and will be out of business soon. ANYONE WHO POSTED A positive review is an employee of the company and is trying to scam you. Why: They never picked up our car and we were scheduled to move Neighbors had to coordinate with another company after 3 week of waiting for NAAT to follow thru, never ONLY after we had or attorney threaten them did they return our deposit of $350. What a joke of a company. My story is the same as the other postings. They wont return calls after they have any of your cash. Never give them your check routing number as I stupidly did. We took legal action and hope others do as well. 1st Security Financial Corp in Columbus, Ohio is the surety insurer for North American Auto Transport. The bond company plays by different rules and has to meaningfully investigate. Further contact for this be as follows.....G. Brice Parks 1st Security Financial Corp. 3929 Noe Bixby Rd. Columbus, OH 43232 614 834 8141
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