Best ever! Please use this company!

Irene Submitted this review about Pettit Family Auto Transport
Review made Live: 8/25/2011 4:02:00 PM
I booked with another company one month in advance. They never called me and they took 100 dollars from me as a "deposit". As the day was approaching, the company never called and finally when the day came for my car to be shipped, they claimed the driver cancelled. I was so stressed out because I had to use my car in Maine to go to school and needed the car that week it was promised. I remember that I had gotten a previous quote from Pettit transporters but didn't go with them because the other company offered me a quote 50 dollars less. That was the biggest mistake I made! I immediately called Mike at Pettit family autotrasporters and he quikly began to try and find a driver for me. Within 24 hrs he offered me a quote that was still in the same price range as before and even waved his own commision because I had already lost 100 dollars to the other company. He understood that I was a college student and couldn't afford a high quote. No added fees, no deposit, no lying, and no faking. He was very happy to assist me and made every effort to help me even with the one day notice. He got my car shipped right away and the driver was great too. It seems like this company knows what they're doing and doesn't try to rip people off! I'm so happy and would recommend this company to anybody! Don't trust these other companies because they will tell you whatever you wanna hear and stab you in the back! Thanks Pettit!!