We were delighted

Steve Levin Submitted this review about Phoenix Auto Transport Services
Review made Live: 7/22/2009 9:58:00 AM
We can't say enough about Mr. Bob Crisp and the service received through Phoenix Auto Transport Service.

Mr. Crisp went way above and beyond what was expected in assuring the prompt and safe delivery of our vehicle to it's destination.

As with anything these days, a couple of very minor glitches occurred with regard to a wrong address at pickup and a day early for delivery....yet Mr. Crisp addressed those small issues in a prompt and professional manner, rectifying the little problems immediately.

We will be shipping two more vehicles by the end of August, and you may count on the fact that Mr. Crisp will be handling those for us as well.

I rate Phoenix and Mr. Crisp especially as Excellent (with a capital E).


Steven D. Levin