After doing extensive research on line and with the Better Business Bureau for my car to be transported from Seattle to West Palm Beach, I finally found Phoenix Auto Transport Serices, LLC. When I contacted them Bob Crisp, Account Executive for Phoenix Auto Transport Services LLC was wonderful. He assured me my car would be in great hands and be transported in a timely manner. I was contacted by one of the drivers on the day I was leaving town on the plane from Seattle to Florida, and then again 7 days later by the man that delivered my car. I paid Bob Crisp a 150.00 for a deposit up front, then, paid the driver the balance in cash when he arrived with my car SEVEN days later in West Palm Beach. Then, I went to the beach! Contact Bob @ for a job you can TRUST! 503-895-9429, 360-828-8906 (fax),
Janice Ann Monaco
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