Run by a bunch of idiots

Eddy Submitted this review about Point To Point Auto Relocation
Review made Live: 1/23/2008 4:24:00 PM
It took over one month for them to finally confess that they weren't able to find anybody to move my car from michigan to california. For an ENTIRE month I called almost every business day to find out when my pickup was. Each time all they could do was give me their word that they were trying their hardest. Finally after a month I was able to argue to get my deposit back so I could move with another company.

Not only that but their customer service is terrible. Nobody actually picks up their phone. All you can do is leave a voicemail and pray that they call you within a reasonable time. All in all, I spent over $500 in riding taxis and renting cars (as I thought my car would arrive only after a few days). Point to point is run by a bunch of idiots.