
Sidney Higa Submitted this review about Red Carpet Auto Transport Inc.
Review made Live: 6/18/2013 8:41:00 PM
Julie was prompt and friendly, and she had good answers for me. On top of that, she saved me money. You can go to the shipper's website and check their prices. Julie will get you a discount on whatever it is. The other fellow that tried to get me to go with his service was pretty obnoxious. He had the wrong information. He denigrated the competition. And he tried to make crude jokes.

Julie, in contrast, was reassuring and honest. No smarm. No discourtesy. Just a nice person to deal with.

Company Response
Terry Williams from Red Carpet Auto Transport Inc. Submitted this response.
Response Date: 6/19/2013 1:22:00 PM
JULIE JOHNSTON 602-428-6878 Sidney it was my pleasure in assisting you in your move and wish you the very best in your new city!!!! Thank you for the kind words. We at Red Carpet always strive to make your move painless and smooth for you. My best to you and I look forward to working with you in the future if the need arises. Best Regards, Julie