Auto transport CA to TX

Ann Erlandsson Submitted this review about Red Carpet Auto Transport Inc.
Review made Live: 11/6/2010 4:46:00 PM
Red Carpet Auto Transport contact person, Cheryl Phiffer, very nice to deal with but didn't like small extra fees and asking for extra money after quote was received.

Company Response
from Red Carpet Auto Transport Inc. Submitted this response.
Response Date: 11/11/2010 9:06:00 AM 602-438-4644 Dear Ann, Thank you for your kind words. I know that the scenario that took place was upsetting, actually to both of us, and although we do the best with the tools we are given we forget that the carriers are the ultimate governors of the prices, not us. Our quotes are meant to be as acurate as possible with the single goal in mind of getting your car shipped. I was very happy to have been able to accomplish just that, and I know that I did the very best for you that I could. May you and your husband spend many happy hours in your Corvette, and I thank you again for your kind words. Cheryl