this parasite '"mike", WHICH IS NOT EVEN HIS REAL NAME ....!!!!!, is very good about taking your deposit money and promising the stars, until he gets your deposit, and then......he's gone, screwing more people..... he never send to get my car and when i called him back he got upset and started telling me to go F- - my self and look for someone else to help me and that he was not going to return my money......he's basically a low life THIEF and I could press charges but a low life like this ain't worth my or no one else time....that's what his worth....100 miserable bucks.....he has to still from honest people because he doesn't know how to earn money the honest way.......avoid this RAT and this company, in general, try not to hire a broker, hire the trucking company directly, sadly I learned my lesson too late......he gets a -0 on every croocked that he doesn't even uses his name......never ever.....use this phony broker
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