They don’t even try to stick to the quote

Kent Martin Submitted this review about Safeeds Transport Inc
Review made Live: 7/9/2024 5:23:00 PM
They quoted me $1,000 and told me they have a truck lined up. The day before my vehicle was to get hauled they texted and said they can’t find anybody to haul it for $1,000 and so they lined up a truck to haul it for $1600. I said absolutely not. The deadline came and went and after several weeks I finally gave in. Turns out the trucking company wanted $1600, but Safeeds also wanted $200 for their part. They were careful not to tell me that. So in the end, I landed up paying $1800. 1.8x more than the original quote. Don’t believe them when they claim that they’ll stick to their quote. It’s not true. Not even close.