A breath of freshair

Yen Pham Submitted this review about Safeway Car Transport LLC
Review made Live: 7/11/2013 10:24:00 PM
Safeway was a breath of fresh air after a series of unfortunate encounters with 3 other auto companies, one of which couldn’t find a driver for my car after the 10th day it was made available and couldn’t tell me how much longer I’d need to wait. Safeway was the fourth and final attempt.

I found Safeway on transportreviews.com. I saw two things that I liked: first, there are no green dots next to the positive reviews (which denote compensated reviews), second, I liked the way they responded to negative reviews (compared to others). I emailed them around 9am (it was a Sunday). Mike Newsom from Safeway replied within half an hour, and by 11ish, I was talking with him on the phone. He didn’t talk down the other companies (like some others did); instead, he quoted me a fair price and told me what I could expect out of the route that I wanted my car transported (Eugene to Albuquerque). I gave him an alternative route via a major city (Las Vegas, where my parents live) so he can explore other options. By 1pm on the same day, Mike found find a driver for my car through the alternative route and this was when he charged the deposit– AFTER he found a driver not before (like some company). He said that I could expect a driver to show up in 2 to 3 days. As expected, a driver called my contact in Eugene on the 2nd day, picked up my car on the 3rd day, and dropped my car off in Vegas on the 4th day. Easy peats.

There’s a lot of uncertainty in this industry. I’ve read lots of reviews and they were all mixed. I’m aware of the risks but I expected honesty and communication with those whom I do business – and that was what I got from Mike/Safeway. I hope they’ll keep up the excellent service (marked by honesty, courtesy, and promptness) with other customers as they’ve shown me.