Outstanding help and service

Lance G Hill Submitted this review about Shank Bros Auto Transport LLC
Review made Live: 11/3/2012 2:10:00 AM
I needed help fast. My daughter's car was moved to Florida 60 days previously by Shank Bros. It was a super-fast move. But then she became I'll and had to leave Florida fast to return home, close her apartment, etc. Shank Bros. jumped in immediately and arranged a carrier for a return of the vehicle. They understood my problem and we were in constant contact throughout the move. They are truly personable people. Shank Bros. restored my faith in what people tell you, but more was their sincere concern for my plight. I would highly recommend Shank Bros. without reservation to anyone in the Binghamton NY area and surrounding points. A first-class, dependable operation by really great and caring people.