Great service

Joe Lu Submitted this review about Ship a Car Direct
Review made Live: 10/7/2011 11:13:00 PM
This was my first time to use such a carrier service, and Jennifer Kenyon did a great job. She quoted me a more than reasonable rate, and she was helpful during the entire process. I had a lot of questions throughout the relationship, and she was always prompt and elaborate and honest. I felt totally comfortable throughout the process and always felt that I was getting 100% honest information. Although the actual trucking company could have done a better job (my car was dirty, and the car would have been a day late had I not driven one hour to another city to pick up the car myself), Jennifer Kenyon did a fantastic job. Actually, I put in two different requests at two different times. I thought the first quote was too high, and I asked Jennifer if she thought that it would come down. She said it was possible, and sure enough, a couple weeks later, the second quote was lower. I was very pleased. I recommend that people use this service.