Eddie Martinez
Submitted this review about
Ship a Car Direct
Review made Live: 3/10/2016 8:17:00 PM
While there are many great things I can say about SHIP A CAR DIRECT, the one thing that was prevalent during the whole experience, was that I never felt worried, or experienced any kind of stress over the huge undertaking of moving a car 1200 miles... I can only attribute this, to the professional, caring posture these folks addressed me with, all my questions, concerns, doubts generated by my relative inexperience (which is no experience at all given that this was my very first experience in having a car transported), where addressed appropriately.
Suffice it is to say that if any stress was ever experienced, it would of had to of been experienced by the kind folks at SHIP A CAR DIRECT :-), I say this because my circumstances where not ideal, they indeed required a lot of coordination between the car seller and myself (car buyer), that essentially translated to SHIP A CAR DIRECT having to customize their service to fit said circumstances, that in turn (if that wasn't enough...) was conducive to generating a lot of special requests to address my circumstances: Seller and car where in So California, and me the buyer in Kenmore WA just north of Seattle WA...
i.e.: Confirming a reliable carrier one day prior the arranged day for pickup with car seller, after changing said pickup date back and forth several times (I can only imagine I added a bit of stress to their schedule makers). Instead of a deserved scolding from the SHIP A CAR DIRECT contact, I was always treated with a calm, professional can-do, and RE-ASSURING demeanor.
The Upshot?
Quite simply, they delivered on all that was agreed to and promised. My car is in my possession safe and sound, yes it was dirty, but that is to be expected, when a car is transported in an open trailer, thru several rain storms over 1200 miles... Completely Understandable, nothing some soap and water cant address :-)
They do have an closed transport service, but just simply didn't fit my budget. Make no mistake, the open trailer service I received, in a word: SUPERB!
To whomever this may be helpful to, If you have a need to transport a car by a conscientious, professional company, that employs smart, courteous, kind folks, that for all intended purpose wont charge you extra for good old fashioned customer service, which sadly often times these days, people get charged extra for good service, like it was something extra we have to pay $$$ for ... (what ever happened to good old service, anyway?), I simply cant recommend them enough they truly have an understanding of a fair price for good service... Yes you may get lower quotes out there, but I doubt that the return in investment will justify the savings, and ultimately may end up costing way more after all is said and done. Do yourself a favor and look no where else...
Given that this day and age is hard to find a company that really cares about us THE CUSTOMER... This was by far one of the best and easiest transactions Ive ever made, and it only cost me $725.00, a great deal in my book...
Thank You
Eddie :-)