Job well done

Chris Macie Submitted this review about Ship a Car Direct
Review made Live: 12/11/2010 5:32:00 AM
Everything worked smoothly and on time.

The initial quote was quickly made, and reasonable in amount and terms.

Scheduling took into account the fact that both the pickup person and myself (drop-off person) were away on various trips during the period between initial order and actual transport.

Assignment to a carrier was timely, with projected pickup ideal relative to the travel schedules mentioned above.

Pickup was on schedule, went smoothly, even as the truck could find parking only a block or so from the actual pickup address.

Delivery took place in a reasonable time frame - 2 days - considering the journey 800 miles, and through high mountains. It turns out the truck had a minor delay with snow / chain requirement there. But I had figured about 2 days, having driven that route myself several times over the years, and in winter.

Maintaining contact with the carrier wasn't always possible. His wife answered the phone and couldn't offer any information. But that wasn't a problem, as the delivery was pre-announced and in an overall timely fashion. As luck would have it, enough street parking was open for the truck to pull over directly in front of the delivery address. Unloading was efficient and quick.

It just all worked out fine.

Thanks, Chris Macie