2310 West Blvd
Montgomery AL, 36108
How long does it take to transport my vehicle? What is a typical pick up and delivery time frame?
Once the vehicle is physically on the truck the estimated ship time does vary on the length of transport. Generally cross country you are looking at a transit time of 7-10 days. 3/4 of the country is generally about 5-7 days. North to South is about 3-5 days. State to state could take about a day or two. These dates are all ESTIMATIONS. Sadly no company can ever guarantee a specific date of pick up or delivery. Any company that offers that, I would advise you to run away from that company. It is tough in this industry to get a carrier ASAP so it is best to book in the transport at least a week before the First Available Date to ensure the transport goes smoothly without any hick-ups or stress. Its best to look for those companies that are honest and upfront about their policies to ensure you are not walking into a company that will promise you the world but not live up to their part of the bargain.
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