Sonic Auto Scam

Ashley W Submitted this review about Sonic Auto Transportation
Review made Live: 8/19/2024 5:47:00 PM
Sonic auto transport review I had the worst experience with this company. They had originally quoted me at $700 to transport my 4Runner from SoCal to Wa state, which wasn’t the cheapest quote I had gotten but looking them up online and looking at review, they SEEMED like the best option. When the day of my pickup came, Owen had called to ask me how the pickup had gone and I told him that it hadn’t gotten picked up yet. Owen then proceeds to tell me that the original driver had canceled and now wanted $2400!!! I was flabbergasted. I could not pay that much considering we were spending so much already on our move. At first he was very understanding and genuinely seemed to be scrambling to find me a better option. After HOURS of back and forth phone calls every 20 minutes, the price has gone from $700 to $2400 to $2200 to $1700. At the $1700 I said I would just call another company at this point. So I called another company and when they asked how my day was going, I was honest and said what was happening. The guy from the other company asked politely which company I was going with and he said “oh I see them here on the job board listing you at $1700” Then Owen counters with “let me ask my manager if maybe we can get you a discount” So he then “talks” to his manager and calls me back and says they can “knock off $500”. Since that’s quite a large jump from $700, I said I needed to call my husband to see if we can spend that much, while I’m on the phone with him at 1:55pm, Owen cals me back and proceeds to tell me that his manager is leaving at 2:00pm and he’s the ONLY one who can approve the “discount” so they needed to know right then. At this point I had a bad feeling in my stomach but agreed to it because I was flying out to WA in 2 days and needed my car shipped. At 8pm that night, victor, the driver who picked up my car and was actually very nice, explained that Owen should have never quoted me so low and that he was probably just trying to get my business. Then, when I contacted Owen that the car was picked up and when should I expect it at the new address and he said 2-3 days, so either Thursday or Friday. Well Thursday or Friday turned into “possibly Monday” and said he would have the driver contact me with updates (that I never got). I had possibly the most stressful week of my life dealing with OWEN and not having a car to get to and from my job with no responsibility or consideration on his end. I advise anyone shipping their car from anywhere, DO NOT USE SONIC AUTO TRANSPORT. DO NOT LET THEM SWINDLE YOU AND LIE TO YOU. I have a suspicion that these “dispatchers” make a commission and OWEN was trying to shake me down. Again, DO NOT USE SONIC AUTO TRANSPORT and DO NOT TALK TO OWEN.

Company Response
Alex Gold from Sonic Auto Transportation Submitted this response.
Response Date: 8/20/2024 4:33:00 PM
Dear Customer, thanks for your review. We want to admit that final cost is determined by carrier companies, not us. We can just negotiate a final rate to try to get the most reasonable one for our customer. As any other broker, we have a fixed amount for our fee which is $75 that beeing sent to us by the carrier company after succesfull delivery. We hope for your understanding.