Unscrupulous broker

Sarath Submitted this review about Sonic Auto Transportation
Review made Live: 9/4/2024 2:01:00 PM
I saw their good reviews and they gave me a good price, so I booked with them 45 days in advance. They never provided confirmation email or the terms of service by mail. They assured me multiple times that they will not have an issue with delivering the car on time. They called four days before service date and increased the price to twice the original price. Left me in a lurch and had to rush finding other providers. They called later and but that was still 30% more than the original price. I found better prices directly with the carrier. They got agnostic that I was talking to others. The contract is very shady, giving them complete leverage(they can cancel any time, they can change the pricing, I have to pay cancellation fees, they can pick upto 5 days (after service date), they refused to cancel though they could not get drivers at the price they quoted.

Company Response
Alex Gold from Sonic Auto Transportation Submitted this response.
Response Date: 9/4/2024 7:34:00 PM
Dear Customer, thank you for reaching us back. We want to admit that you received form with all terms and conditions and you sign it, which means that you agreed on them. Unfortunately, we are only the middleman between you and the driver and have no power to determine the final cost, only to make an impact on the driver in order to make the price as reasonable as possible. Our agent did her best to get the price as low as she could, however that was the lowest rate that drivers agreed on, and it was proposed to you as well. We hope for your understanding.