Recent Transportation Order

Henry Carraro Submitted this review about South Beach Transport
Review made Live: 7/27/2013 8:23:00 AM
This was the first time I had the need to have an automobile picked up remotely and delivered to my address. The car was inoperable with no brakes. In other words it has to be manually loaded and unloaded and as result it should not be reshuffled during transit to reposition the car.

I will be honest here, my expectations about the process was unrealistic in terms of when the car was to be picked up. Having not experienced this process before I emailed my representative two or three times within the span of a week. South Beach Transport stepped up to line and offered a driver a bonus to expedite the pickup.

Almost immediately a driver responded and picked up the car. What I am saying is that my sales representative at South Beach Transport John Martinez reduced his sales commission and gave it to the driver to expedite my order.

The car was safely delivered to the destination in short order. I am very pleased with the results of this transaction and with my communications with South Beach Transport's John Martinez. I am sorry I had unrealistic expectations as to the coordination and scheduling a pickup causing the sales representative to give up part of his sales commission to help expedite the order. That is what I call exceeding my expectation not just meeting it.

Good work John Martinez. I appreciate you and what you did on my behalf. Thank you.

Henry Carraro