They left me hanging...

Michael & Belinda Stafford Submitted this review about Specialty Mobile Systems
Review made Live: 2/17/2008 7:37:00 PM
I scheduled with this broker almost two weeks prior to today for my car to be picked up and transported to Washington state.

They were VERY quick to take my deposit money out of my account, made a bunch of promises,
and as of today, I have not received any calls nor has my vehicle been picked up.

I had to call the company three times this past week to try and find out WHEN someone was going to pick up my vehicle. All three times, I received an excuse that they were waiting on a call from their carrier.
FINALLY, this past Friday, I received an EMAIL (I have yet to receive a phone call from these people regarding this shipment) that stated my car would be picked up Sunday, Feb. 17th; and that I would receive a call from the carrier to schedule a time.

Well, today is Sunday. Guess what? No call. No show.

Calls to both this broker and to the carrier resulted in voice mail, noone could be contacted.
Messages were left, but I really don't expect to hear anything.

Since I leave this area in three days, I am now faced with the MAJOR challenge of finding a different carrier who can schedule to get my car before Wednesday. (and since Monday is a holiday, this is going to be very difficult.)

Five star rating? Hah!

Think long and hard before using Specialty Mobile.
They seem to specialize in taking your money and then dodging the issue.
Their customer service sucks, and their integrity is VERY questionable.

Mike and Belinda Stafford

Company Response
Amy from Specialty Mobile Systems Submitted this response.
Response Date: 2/17/2008 9:49:00 PM
We received this customers order on 2/8/08 with a vehicle ready date of 2/14/08. The parameters in the order are that the vehicle has to be picked up prior to 2/21/08 because the customer is leaving for Washington State. We work with a pickup window of 1 – 10 days due to the fact we strive for door to door service versus utilizing terminals. What we have to do is a correlation of your vehicle ready date (the day you are willing to release your vehicle) and where the drivers are in retrospect to that. There are a couple ways that customers deal with pickup windows: Some customers put their vehicle ready date the day they are departing so they have access to their vehicles up until the last possible second and allow someone to release the vehicle in their behalf. Some customers back date their vehicle ready date 10 days prior to their departure, and then put a variable in the transport order that the vehicle can not arrive at its destination until after they arrive (that is of course unless they have someone that can accept the vehicle in their behalf. Thereby, the customers are setting the parameters for us to work around in what best reaches their time restraints; which did indeed happen. We dispatched her vehicle on 2/14 with an estimated pickup date of 2/18 and estimated delivery date of 2/27. Since it is Sunday, our offices are closed, but I did see this review. When I tried to contact the customer to discuss she hung up on me. The carrier’s offices are closed today as well, and due to that fact I had to leave a message. Transporting a vehicle is a very scary thing, and we at Specialty Mobile understand the frustration that she is experiencing; however in no way does our customer service have any equivalence of what she is giving us credit for. Amy/Specialty Mobile