Specialty Mobile, Illinois to New Jersey

Gabriel Stelian Submitted this review about Specialty Mobile Systems
Review made Live: 11/4/2008 5:57:00 PM
After reviewing offers from several transportation companies, on Monday October 20th I placed an order via e-mail to Specialty Mobile Systems. In less than an hour an agent by the name of Dee contacted me for further information and told me that the BMW 528 which my son wanted to send me will be picked up that very day at 2 PM in Illinois. Needless to say I didn't believe for a moment that the promise would be kept. I was dead wrong; at 2 PM a truck stopped in front of the house in Glencoe Illinois and the car was picked up. The driver told my daughter-in-law that the car will be delivered to my house in New Jersey on Thursday or Friday. On Friday morning at 8 the driver called me from the road, made sure that he had the right directions and told me that he will be here at 10 o'clock. I am not exagerating: at 10:00:00 the car carrier stopped in front of our home. After unloading the BMW was extraordinarily helpful, showing me a few features of the car which were new to me. The price of the transport was $590, just about the same as every other quote, but boy, was I lucky to select them!