My experience

Adalberto Submitted this review about State-By-State Transporters
Review made Live: 5/20/2012 1:04:00 AM
This was the first time I had to find someone to transport a vehicle but I have to say I like the way State by state Transporters did their job. They were able to answer any questions I had. I liked the way we communicated through email and phone which lets me know they value me as a customer. I would recommend them. The car arrived on time. The price was a good price compared to other companies that offered a higher price.

Company Response
Lance from State-By-State Transporters Submitted this response.
Response Date: 5/20/2012 11:35:00 AM is my email address. Anytime you need another transport you can contact me. Thank you for letting us get the job done as we strive to be one of the best auto brokerage companys in america. Next time, just call me ahead of time so we can get a better deal.