I came in contact with state wide, after purchasing a 1970 roadrunner on Craigslist. Previous to coming in contact with statewide the deal had gone very well and both me and the seller were on good terms. After inspecting the car, I decided to make the purchase. At this point everything had gone perfectly and I went to several locations to check out weather or not to ship the car, or to pick up the car and trailer the car home myself. After getting the cost of both options, I decided to get shipping quotes from companies who would be willing to ship the car. After getting several quotes I decided to go with State wide auto transport, as they gave me a good quote "$345" and $145 as a down payment. The promise they made me was that they were going to ship the car on Wednesday and have the car at my home by Friday. This turned out to be one of the many lies that they would tell me before I realized that they were not a reputable company. After changing the date of pick up for the car, eventually I was told they would pick up the car on Sunday, "little did I know they did not inform me that were going to show up at the sellers house without informing him (like they promised to do)". On by the end of the next week, not receiving the car and having no contact from State Wide, I called and asked why they had not delivered my car. after hearing this they put me on hold, (eventually I hung up). After calling me back they informed me that my car had never been picked up, after calling the seller I was informed they had sent a car "not a truck" and that he had been at work at the time. After hearing this I attempted to resolve the issue, however I was blown off by statewide and eventually when I was able to get in contact with Diana, she bad mouthed me and hung up. When I was able to get in contact with Diana I informed her that I was no longer in need of her service. At this point I withdrew the charge from my credit card, however upon this State Wide attempted to dispute the removal of the charge and informed my credit card company. Despite this move, after explaining the charge with my credit card company I was refunded my money. Now all of this may seem bad, however it seems after all this, the seller had been treated badly by State Wide and was no longer willing to sell me the car that I had been working on buying for over two months. I will never use State Wide again, and my experience with this rip off of a company has caused me to come to this site to inform others who may have come in contact with statewide to transport a car, that they lied and caused me to lose out on the car of my dreams
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West Virginia
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