TOTAL Fabricators!!!!!!

Jamey Submitted this review about Stateway Auto Transport
Review made Live: 11/27/2010 10:46:00 PM
I normally don't bother doing these but in this case, people should really know about a company like this...

I have shipped a half dozen cars in my time so when it was time to move another, I carefully researched the numerous quotes I received before settling on Stateway. I placed the order with David Greene late in the week with expected pickup on next Monday. That came and went so I started following up with David that Wednesday. Then Thursday, Friday etc...He never returned any of my calls. Having seen this routine before, I sent an email to David canceling my order late Nov. 5 and posted an initial review of Stateway.

Come Sunday afternoon Nov. 7, Suzanne from Stateway calls me and says she is sorry for my experience thus far and offers to handle the order herself as she is a "supervisor" and only takes three days at most to move a vehicle. Ok, I think, this sounds like quality customer service! The trouble, she says, was a storm in IL, that knocked down the phone lines and prevented returning calls (funny though how it didn't affect the ability to leave voicemail). Anyways, Monday and Tuesday come and go. No pickup. Suzanne doesn't return calls either. Always "I'll check on this " and call you back in "15 minutes" or "30 minutes." Never happens and I have to call repeatedly to get someone to pick up. Wednesday with the promise of a identified driver and quickly goes as Suzanne says "the driver thought it was NEXT Wednesday." Right. So then Suzanne says Stateway will put up their own money on the load board to get my vehicle picked up. First $200 then $400, she says. "Its the highest load on the board", she says, "higher than an ice cream truck" she says. Apparently, car haulers don't like money that much because the vehicle continued to sit. Meanwhile, Suzanne keeps saying she is about to go out on maternity leave and really wants to get this job finished, she says, although that day seems to keep changing every time I talk to her. So after a few more fruitless efforts to get a hold of her, I stop calling, send another email re-canceling my already canceled order and send an email to Suzanne and David about posting another review on this website (the first which Suzanne had removed before she ever talked to me).

Now the best part, please listen to this:

Its an MP3 I made of the voicemail Suzanne left me offering to pay me for the difference between Stateway's quote and the one who actually took the order, about $300 (and moved the vehicle as promised, I might add). Pretty good deal it sounds like? Basically paying me for NOT posting a review. I accepted her offer naturally

Well, here's the review so you can guess what the outcome was. No money, no pickup, no call or email. Suzanne's word and customer service have NO value. Avoid this company and espeically her, like the plague. It's time wasted you'll never get back.

Feel free to email me if you would like me to send you the Mp3 or can't listen to it.

These are the facts as I experienced them.

Jamey Johns