Top Hauling Network

Beth Submitted this review about Top Hauling Network
Review made Live: 2/26/2008 9:03:00 AM
Beware of the Bait and Switch! I received bids from multiple companies ranging from $375 to over $800. I selected the most economical company that still had decent reviews on this review site which was Top Hauling Network at $555. I placed my order on 1/24 for pickup between 2/6 and 2/11, which they told me even as late as 2/9 would be "no problem".

Top Hauling Network missed my pickup date and did not pickup until 2/20. However, they asked me on two occasions to pay more to have my car shipped, which did not seem fair or ethical to me. When they asked me twice to pay $150 more to get my car shipped, I suggested that they instead apply their $150 fee to the driver/subcontractor, and were not able to arrange for this before the drivers made other arrangements. To further aggravate matters, phone calls were frequently not returned within one business day and I had to make repeated calls to numerous people to get answers.

However, the company/driver (subcontractor) that actually transported the car was great (STP Transport) and met his end of the deal.

And to further aggravate matters, Top Hauling Network tried to get this review removed from this review site, but I was able to prove that my order # was valid and the review was placed back on the site.