great experience

Christine Submitted this review about Transport Connection
Review made Live: 8/30/2011 10:13:00 AM
I was honestly a bit put off by Bill's initial insistence that he'd be the only one to tell me the real truth about the car shipping industry (I mean don't they all say they're the only honest ones?!), but in the end I decided I felt comfortable moving forward with him and am VERY glad I did. The experience was great and if I ever have to ship another car, Bill will be my only call.

He negotiated a great deal with the actual transport company that moved my car and included me in every step of the negotiation process, making me feel more comfortable both with him and the folks who were moving the car.

I got lucky and everything was arranged without a hitch or any delay. I had a flexible timeline, but Bill got a quick response to his posting on the dispatch boards and we were able to work with a company he already knew. Not only that, but they were able to pick up my car the day after I called Bill and delivered the car only 4 days later (quite reasonable for going 3/4 of the way across the country!)- everything went much more quickly and smoothly than I was expecting and I credit Bill with much of that.