Could not ask for anything more

Stacia5 Submitted this review about Transport Connection
Review made Live: 7/21/2012 10:43:00 AM
I thought I had found someone to ship my car from south carolina to california but when the time came they never called me back. I started looking for someone else at eleven pm. Sentan email out and got a respoce immeditally and Bill told me he would look into it in the morning. Before I could call him he had called me and found someone even with me leaving before the car was shipped. He really thought outside the box to make this work. We were all set for next week when Bill called me back on a conference call, he found someone to ship the car in three hours! I was so excited I met the driver CJ we looked over the car together and then he was off. I got his phone number and could call anytime to see where they were. CJ and the car arrived the same day as I did but my plane was late so CJ brought the car to my hotel in the morning. I cannot say enough about my experience. It was beyond my expetations. Thanks Bill and CJ

Company Response
Bill Avrich from Transport Connection Submitted this response.
Response Date: 7/21/2012 10:53:00 AM
Non-compensated review. Customer checked box by mistake.