Not just a saleman, Bill owns the company.

Tim Smith Submitted this review about Transport Connection
Review made Live: 10/28/2013 2:55:00 PM
My 1st time shipping a vehicle cross country was nerve-racking! I was getting quotes all over the map from $700-4000! Most brokers do not explain the "deposit" is actually the broker fee. The actual transport cost is set by the trucking company. Bill was very up front about this, while others would dance around the issue and try to get my deposit while inferring it was part of the total cost.

Bill was able to get a very good rate for my car. I couple of his competitors even called me to say I was getting "lowballed". I knew going in that we had put in a low bid for a non-running car to travel over 2700 miles. To my surprise, Bill came through.

He is very professional and always personally answers his phone. Read his website and get his best quote before talking to anyone else. I was not disappointed by his service.