Aspiring College Student

Dylan Submitted this review about Transport Connection
Review made Live: 11/15/2013 6:55:00 PM
I must say that in my time as a college student and working at high end private and resort facilities, I know what it means to provide high quality customer service. I am not bragging about it, its just a fact. And another fact is, Bill and his company sure as hell do as well. In the midst of graduation coming up in December, I needed to complete a couple more months of internships. I chose to pick a facility in Florida that met my standards.

Now I originally was with another company who failed to help me get my car from Rhode Island to Florida. Its the day before I have to get on a plane to Florida and that company failed to pick up my car. Then I get a call from Bill on my cell phone as I am panicing and desperate to get my car down to Florida. At first I was a little skeptical with what he was telling me. I was thinking to myself "is this guy to good to be true, and how do I know I can trust him..." Bill and I shared multiple phone calls that day and he never was impatient with me. We talked about cars, we talked about golf, he took my stress and worries away.

In a matter of hours from the time Bill called me, a transport company that he trusts was in my driveway to get my car to Florida. It took 3 days to get my car to Florida... 3 days!!!!!! You want to know a few reasons why it took 3 days?! Because Bill is an organized and in my honest opinion, the ONLY professional in his business.

Bill at all times has a two lists, companies that he trusts and know will provide a service WHEN THE CUSTOMER NEEDS IT, and another list he told me was his "shit list." Bill has been in this business to my understanding for his fair share of time.

A few comments below you will see a snide and irrate comment towards Bill that I KNOW to be far from the man I have talked to many times since he serviced me. Do not pay any mind to the slander and bull shit comments that try to degrade Bill, they are false. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions because I promise you, Bill is your man.

I look forward to the up coming months when I will hopefully be making a trip to California when I will be using Bill and his wisdom to get my car from A to B.

In summation, Bill is:

-Respectful (to those who actually deserve it!)
-The only guy I will trust with my vehicles!

Thank You again Bill for saving my ass and being an outstanding partner!