Transport Connection

Esther Klein Submitted this review about Transport Connection
Review made Live: 1/14/2011 6:37:00 PM
Mr Avrich at Transport Connection was very pleasant to deal with. He returned my telephone calls promptly and arranged for a three way telephone call with the actual transporter so I was able to know right away what arrangements had been made and what to expect. He emailed me the contract immediately with all of the details carefully spelled out.
The drivers were very professional and efficient. They were careful to record all of the little "dings" that the car had accumulated over seven years and provided me with a copy of their documentation. They also gave me a date on which the car would arrive at their main facility before being transported further to its final destination. The entire transaction proceeded exactly as I was led to expect. In whole, dealing with Transport Connection was a pleasant experience that I would not hesitate to repeat.