Submitted this review about Transport Services Review made Live: 2/9/2009 3:17:00 PM
Do not even consider doing business with Transport Services. Thinking back over my dealings with this company, I cannot think of a single thing that Max or Corey said to me that was true. They lied to get my business. They lied to try to cover their lies. Even more despicable: they deliberately screwed a trucker in a desperate attempt to hold on to my fee to them. I was down to a three day window in which to ship a car before I had to leave the state. It was mid-January. No-one could find a truck for me. Max called and said that Transport Services had its own truck which could make the pick-up in the three day window. Even though he was much more expensive than anyone else, and even though Transport Services had some bad reviews, I was desperate and took a chance on them. 1/14/2009: We had a guaranteed three day contract with a guarantee of a refund of their fee if they did not pick up the car in a truck owned by them in that time. 1/15/2009: I discover that they have my load posted on the Central Dispatch board. This means that they do NOT have a truck on its way to pick up my car. I call them. The first thing the lady on the phone says is that they will not give me back my deposit if I cancel the contract. I remind them that we re-wrote my contract. I have a three day guarantee with a refund. I get transferred to Corey. Corey tells me that they DO have a truck on its way and the posting on the board is only a back up in case something happens with the first truck. He says he knows that this is a three day refundable contract, that we will be gone from the state after three days, and that the contract is void after this time. That is why he wanted back-up. 1/17/2009: Last day of the pick-up window. Still no truck, or any information at all. No calls from a driver. No calls from Transport Services. No return of our calls to them. My last contact with them was my conversation with Corey on the 15th. We are desperate. We change our plans to stay one more day just in case. We cannot stay longer than this. 1/18/2009: Still nothing. Not even an F'ing phone call! They did not do ANYTHING that they promised and had GUARANTEED in writing. We proceed to make back-up plans. 1/21/2009: This next part is really unbelievable: After Transport Services had failed to fulfill their contract. After they knew we had left the state, moved the car somewhere else, and arranged with someone else to transport the car. After we had informed them by email, phone and certified letter that our contract was void/cancelled/no longer in effect. AFTER all this, they contract with a poor trucker to pick up the now non-existent car. 1/24/2009: The trucker they contracted with arrives in Santa Fe. Transport Services has not even given him my full contact information, so he has no way of reaching me! And, when it becomes clear that there is a problem, Transport Services itself still makes no effort to reach me. Why should they try? THEY know that I have made other arrangements. They just never told the trucker this. The trucker wastes a trip to Santa Fe and two days. Basically, they knowingly sent the poor guy off on an expensive wild goose chase just so that they can claim that they tried to pick up my car and try to avoid refunding the money they owe me. This was just unconscionable!
Bottom line: they will lie to you to get your business. Whatever it takes, that is what they will tell you (including the claim about using their own trucks). Then, they will hope that they can find a truck through the Central Dispatch board to take the load. If they aren't successful, they will do everything they can to avoid refunding their fee (the deposit) Use someone honest instead. I highly recommend Capitol Auto Transport. They do not make you sign a one-sided contract. They do charge their fee until your car is picked up. They are super-competent. They are straight with you from beginning to end.
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