Auto Shipping

Dan Conlon Submitted this review about Turbo Auto Transport
Review made Live: 10/16/2011 2:18:00 PM
As vehicle locators and importers we work often with Auto Transporters. We have been using Turbo Auto Transport now for quite some time and continue to recommend them to our clients as they try harder than most to get it right. Vehicle shipping is a tough industry filled with many players who don't fully appreciate the need for dotting the 'i's and crossing the 't's. Organizational screw-up’s, equipment breakdowns, poor weather and unreliable sub-contractors all play a role in service inconsistencies and poor performance. From my perspective communication is key and I have found that unlike many in the vehicle shipping industry the staff at Turbo Auto Transport work hard to bring all of the pieces together and get the job done. No auto shipper is perfect and sadly they all fall down from time to time, but I have worked with many, many shippers and Turbo Auto Transport remains one of my top picks.