Paid for $200 deposit, Broker K didn't pay the Dispatcher, they have kept my car for "hostage". Waiting for US Cargo to get my car back but no contact for 3 days!!!
US Cargo offered to ship my SUV from CA to TX. End up have to pay $250 more than beginning. After was requested to pay $200 deposit first.
The (late) night before, the dispatcher J, contacted about the broker has not paid.
Next morning, I contacted the broker but no answer.. The car has arrived early. but the driver refused to accept my payment because I couldn't pay for the broker part (I didn't have extra).
Driver didn't release the car and took off because the Broker didn't pay them.
Broker then called back, she promised to fix the problem to get my car back but it has been 3 days. Where's my car???
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El Centro, California
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