Bait & Switch Company

MN Brad Submitted this review about US Car Go Freight Logistics LLC
Review made Live: 8/2/2024 10:55:00 AM
Buyer beware. They will quote you a low price, even take a deposit. I was assured all week of the low price with texts telling me not to worry, the price is legit. I used my AMEX so I was not worried about being scammed of money, and thank goodness I did. Don't pay with your bank account. 3 hours before pick up, the said they can pick it up for $500 more. Total scam.

Company Response
Alex Brown from US Car Go Freight Logistics LLC Submitted this response.
Response Date: 8/14/2024 6:37:00 PM
We strive to provide accurate quotes, but transport costs can fluctuate daily due to factors like driver availability, fuel prices, and even weather conditions. While we initially book based on anticipated schedules, carriers often finalize their loads just days before pickup, which can lead to last-minute price changes. We do our best to keep you informed, though there can be delays in receiving updates. We always proceed only when the customer agrees to the updated price.